Category: Agenda
Notice and Agenda – Zoning Board of Appeals
The Village of Minong is looking for citizens to volunteer for some side committees. There are openings on the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals. If you are interested in being a citizen member of either of these committees, please send a letter or email to Or better yet! Come to a board meeting and express your interest. Board meetings are held on the first Monday of each month, starting at 5:00 p.m. Agenda information can be found on our website.
The primary role of a zoning board of adjustments/appeals is to review and decide cases where there may be an error in a zoning decision or where a relaxation of the zoning ordinances is requested. Citizens are appointed by the municipal governing body and are to engage in decision-making based on the information that will provide an impartial and positive impact for the municipality on the whole, and citizen members must excuse themselves from any actions where a conflict of interest could be perceived.
Agenda- Village of Minong Corporate Board Meetings
Agenda – Minong Police, Fire & Ambulance Board Meetings
Notice – 2025 Budget
All Budget Workshops are open to the public. Residents wanting to share ideas, comments, and concerns may do so in writing throughout the budget process. All Village of Minong Budget Workshop Agendas are posted with all other Village board meeting agendas. Village of Minong Board Meetings.
All comments received will be shared with the entire Village Board. Comments can be mailed or emailed to Comments can also be dropped off at the Village Office located at 123 5th Ave Minong, WI 54859 in the drop slot on the front door, or by bringing them into the office.
Janel Lee Clerk/Treasurer, Village of Minong
Questions? Call: 715-466-2322
Agenda -Planning & Zoning Meetings
The Village of Minong is looking for citizens to volunteer for some side committees. There are openings on the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals. If you are interested in being a citizen member of either of these committees, please send a letter or email to Or better yet! Come to a board meeting and express your interest. Board meetings are held on the first Monday of each month, starting at 5:00 p.m. Agenda information can be found on our website.
The planning commission is a body of citizens that serve within local government, acting as an advisory group to the municipal governing body on issues and policies related to zoning, planning, land use regulation, and community development. Citizens are appointed to the commission by the Village governing body and represent the municipality at large. Planning Commission members do not represent any particular person, business, or group within their municipality. Instead, the goal is to provide impartial input and guidance that will positively affect the entire municipality and excuse themselves from any actions where a conflict of interest could be perceived.
Notice – Public and Community
Click on above link to view Village of Minong’s Inventory as of 10.14.24

CodeRED, Washburn County’s Mass Notification System has two new features:
CodeRED, Users now have the ability to receive messages in Spanish and new users can now Text to Enroll into the program (see attached flyers for more information)..
CodeRED is a FREE emergency notification service provided to all residents within Washburn County that will notify you of emergency information through phone calls, messages, emails, text and social media. The system will be used to keep you informed of local events that may impact your safety or of important information that you may need. As a local resident of Washburn County Sheriff’s Office & Emergency Management encourages you to take action and register your cell phone for this service and verify your home location during the enrollment process so we may target notifications that directly impact your home or business.
We urge all Washburn County citizens and employees to register for CodeRED so important information may be conveyed to you during emergencies, when necessary!
Register for CodeRED at the following link:
Thank you!
Carol Buck, CEM-WI
Washburn County Emergency Management Director
WI State Certified EM, PSAP Coord., PIO, TLO, & ICP/COMM Team Manager

The Village of Minong is looking for citizens to volunteer for some side committees. There are openings on the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals. If you are interested in being a citizen member of either of these committees, please send a letter or email to Or better yet! Come to a board meeting and express your interest. Board meetings are held on the first Monday of each month, starting at 5:00 p.m. Agenda information can be found on our website.
The planning commission is a body of citizens that serve within local government, acting as an advisory group to the municipal governing body on issues and policies related to zoning, planning, land use regulation, and community development. Citizens are appointed to the commission by the Village governing body and represent the municipality at large. Planning Commission members do not represent any particular person, business, or group within their municipality. Instead, the goal is to provide impartial input and guidance that will positively affect the entire municipality and excuse themselves from any actions where a conflict of interest could be perceived.
The primary role of a zoning board of adjustments/appeals is to review and decide cases where there may be an error in a zoning decision or where a relaxation of the zoning ordinances is requested. Citizens are appointed by the municipal governing body and are to engage in decision-making based on the information that will provide an impartial and positive impact for the municipality on the whole, and citizen members must excuse themselves from any actions where a conflict of interest could be perceived.
- For more tips on emergency preparedness, visit ReadyWisconsin online at You can also follow us on Facebook (, Twitter (, and Instagram (